5 last minute mother's day gift ideas

In case you were unaware, Mother's Day is this Sunday. So if you "forgot", here are 5 last minute gift ideas that any* mom would love. 
*And by any, I mean, I would love. Matt: if you are reading this, pay attention.

1. A day at the spa.
You can't go wrong with this one. You probably ran out of time to schedule her a day at the spa on Sunday, but you can still give her a gift card that would cover a couple of services. Tell her to pick whatever day she wants and that you will take care of the kiddos. If you live in Boston, I highly recommend Bella Sante. They have locations in Boston, Lexington and Wellesley. 

2. A coffee mug painted by you and your kids.
Go to a pottery studio that has ready-to-paint pottery shapes and paint her a nice mug. Have your kids participate to make it extra special. Check out Made by Me in Cambridge.

3. A pretty potted plant in a homemade hanging planter.
You could buy a hanging planter at a store but then it's not as special. Buy a plant that is easy to take care of and hard to kill. She already has enough to worry about. Here is a fun tutorial. 

4. Schedule a professional family photo shoot.
She would love to have some nice pictures taken of all of you. 

5. A year of dates
Give her the gift of 12 awesome dates planned by yourself. Do one date a month. It can include the kids if you want. Just make sure it's something different, fun and that she would enjoy. I gifted this to Matt for our anniversary. 

Have a great rest of the week and don't slack off when it comes to Mother's Day! Take care of breakfast and make her feel special. We moms work very hard and a little appreciation is nice ;)

Xoxo Dylcia

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